[locale] guestrooms_title=Guestrooms no_categorie=No category categorie_1=:: BloodLine Server - Staff Floor :: categorie_2=:: BloodLine Server - Trading Floor :: categorie_3=:: BloodLine Server - Party & Chill Floor :: categorie_4=:: BloodLine Server - Events Floor :: categorie_5=:: BloodLine Server - Gangs & Armies Floor :: categorie_6=:: BloodLine Server - Creative Rooms :: categorie_7=:: BloodLine Server - Help Center Floor :: categorie_8=:: BloodLine Server - Private Rooms :: categorie_9=:: BloodLine Server - Massive Rooms Floor :: categorie_10=:: BloodLine Server - Staff Recommended Rooms :: no_user_for_gift=No user named %user% found. Gift not purchased. mnuserver_caption=Server mnuEnd_caption=Quit mnusettings_caption=Settings mnubobbafilter_caption=Bobbafilter mnulang_caption=Language your_ip=Your IP: label_version_caption=Version elapsed chckLog_caption=Packetlog chkchatlog_caption=Chatlog chksavechatlog_caption=Save chatlogs check_foreground_caption=Run In Foreground server_started_msg=Server started on Port: socket_error=Socket error, server will shutdown now. word_addet_msg=Word addet word_inacceptable=Invalid word word_already_on_list_msg=The word is already addet settings_welcometext=Here you can change some Settings for the Server! settings_connectionframe=Connection settings_mainsettingsframe=Main settings settings_bobba_check=Bobbafilter enabled settings_welcome_message_check=Welcome alert enabled settings_console_check=Console enabled chancelbutton=Restore savebutton=Save changes settings_roomsframe=Rooms settings_maxroomsperuser=Max rooms per user settings_maxroomsinlist=Max rooms in Search-List settings_maxfavouritedrooms=Max favourite rooms settings_furniframe=Furni settings_maxrollersinroom=Rollers in room limit settings_maxpetsinroom=Pets in room limit addbutton=+ Add removebutton=- Delete enter_bobba_word=Add word title_bobba_word_win=Bobba-Words too_many_rollers_in_room_alert=You can not place more then %max% Habbo Rollers in your room. \rYou can't fit more Habbo Rollers in this room! too_many_pets_in_room_alert=Too many pets in the room! following_code_cmd_msg=Voucher created: code=Code: amount_code_msg=Amount of credits: user_not_found=User not found userdata_daten_von=Data from userdata_birthdate=Birthdate: userdata_password=Password: userdata_rank=Rank: userdata_credits=Credits: userdata_mission=Mission: settings_saved=Settings saved! connection_from=Server locked, incoming connection from %remotehostip% blocked. username=Username: password=Password: mission=Mission: rank=Rank: credits=Credits: load_into_editor=Load into Editor choose_a_user=Choose a user roomlist_combo=Roomlist edit_room=Room Editor room_name=Roomname room_desc=Roomdescription owner=Owner delete_room=Delete Room categorie_editor_frame=(De)Activate / rename categories enable=State: change_name=Categorie-Name: categorie_info=Status-Possibilities: 0 = Hide categorie, 1 = categorie enabled, 2 = categorie enabled, but only admins/mods can provide rooms there replacement=Replacement: save_filterword=Save replacement rank_not_found=The rank was not found in database speach_commands=Speach-Commands badges=Badges modtool=Mod-Tool ranks=Ranks numbers_only=The amount must be a number! trading=Trade club_gift_name=Clubpresent settings_other_rightsframe=Other rights mass_credits=Mass Credits c_to_all_online_users=To all online Habbo's c_to_all_users=To all Habbo's sendbutton=Send hotelalert=Hotelalert hotelalert_dsc=
or \r = New Line folder_doesnt_exists=The Folder %foldername% doesn't exists in database\buy_furni\club_furni\ hcchange_info=Save the furnis wich you want as HC-Gifts in the database\buy_furni\club_furni\ folder and write the name of the Folder in the Textfield of your desired Month. extrabadges_1_11=HC-Badges from 1 to 11 month: extrabadges_11=Club-Badges off the 11 month: hc_presentsframe=HC Presents picked_up_on=Picked up on already_picked_up_by=Picked up by cfh_time=On message=Message hotel_alert=Message From Hotel Management max_rooms=You have reached the current limit of private rooms with %maxrooms% rooms max_fav_rooms=You cannot have more than %maxfavs% favourite rooms tab_main=Main tab_limits=Limits tab_filter=Filter tab_habbos=Habbos tab_rooms=Rooms tab_categories=Categories tab_ranks=Ranks tab_club=Club mnutools_caption=Tools mnuextras_caption=Extras mnusettingform_caption=Settings function_deactivated=This Function was disabled by the Manager user_unbanned=User unbanned room_locked=Room locked room_unlocked=Room unlocked restore_room=Restore frame_restore_room=Restore deleted rooms not_tradeable=You cannot trade this! this_room_is_locked=Room locked room_locked_alert=This room was concluded from various reasons. hotel_view=on hotel view user_doesnt_exists=The User doesnt exists already_exists=already exists user_to_mod_msg=You changed the Rank to MODERATOR, this will create a new Habbo named %name%, create? mod_to_user_msg=You changed a MOD-Accounts Rank this will delete the User, delete %name%? link_url=Link: link_name=Link name: users_name=Users name staff_console_message=Staff console message connection_limit=You are already logged in with another Habbo, the Manager accepted only one connection per computer. settings_connection=Only permit one connection per PC. register_msg_check=Register consolemessage reported_message=REPORTED MESSAGE rp_from=Sender rp_message=Message settings_maxfriends=Maximum Friends per Habbo: max_friends_alertYou can't add more than %maxfriends% friends to your list!\rDelete old friends to add others. consoleframe=Console pub_title=Public Rooms pub_name_1=Theatredrome pub_name_2=Newbie lounge pub_name_3=Axe Theatredrome pub_name_4=Easter Theatredrome pub_name_5=Park pub_name_6=House of flying carrots pub_name_7=Habburgers pub_name_8=Hotel Kitchen pub_name_9=Habbo Cinema pub_name_10=Main Lobby pub_name_11=Lido pub_name_13=Rooftop pub_name_15=Football Room pub_name_16=Tearoom hotel_alert=Message from Administrator @@@@@@@@ User online @@@@@@@@ user_online=User online @@@@@@@@ Staff List @@@@@@@@@@ staff_list_1 = Admin staff_list_2 = Hotel Moderator staff_list_3 = Gold Hobba staff_list_4 = Silver Hobba staff_list_5 = Hotel Expert