i:Black Area
n:Black Area
s:2: Beautiful in it's simplicity!
h:Introducing the Area Collection...  Clean, chunky lines set this collection apart as a preserve of the down-to-earth Habbo. It's beautiful in its simplicity, and welcoming to everyone.
w:Click on the item you want for more information.
p:Two-Seater Sofa	Cushioned, understated comfort	3		s	sofa_silo	0	2,1	A1 area_sofa_black	#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252,#525252,#525252
p:Armchair	Large, but worth it	3		s	sofachair_silo	0	1,1	A1 area_chair_black	#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252
p:Occasional Table	For those random moments	1		s	table_silo_small	0	1,1	A1 area_stable_black	#ffffff,#525252
p:Gate (lockable)	Form following function	6		s	divider_silo3	0	1,1	a2 area_gate_black	#ffffff,#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252
p:Corner Shelf	Neat and natty	3		s	divider_silo1	0	1,1	a1 area_corner_black	#ffffff,#525252
p:Dining Chair	Keep it simple	3		s	chair_silo	0	1,1	A1 area_stool_black	#ffffff,#ffffff,#525252,#525252
p:Coffee Table	Wipe clean and unobtrusive	3		s	table_silo_med	0	2,2	A1 area_table_black	#ffffff,#525252