File created by Electrotank, Inc

Branding requirement:
This source file can be used free-of-charge for personal or commercial use. However, if used
to connect to the free version of ElectroServer 3 (the 20 user version), then the ElectroServer 3
branding found at the beginning of the FLA file in this directory must remain and it must display
for at least 3 seconds. This must occur during or just after the file loads.

Any Flash application, whether it be a modified version of this source file or created from scratch,
must meet the above branding requirement if it connects with the free version of ElectroServer 3.

Additional branding material can be found in the logos directory. Branding found there can be used (unedited)
in other locations if you want to, such in the HTML of a web page.

ElectroServer Class files:
The class file(s) included here are not necessarily the most recent. Always check
http://www.electrotank.com/ElectroServer/Downloads.asp for the most recent class files
