i:Bathroom n:Bathroom l:ctlg_layout2 s:2: Every Habbo needs one! h:Introducing the Bathroom Collection... Have some fun with the cheerful bathroom collection. Give yourself and your guests somewhere to freshen up - vital if you want to avoid nasty niffs. Put your loo in a corner though... g:catalog_bath_headline1 w:Click on the item you want for more information. e:catalog_bath_teaser1, p:Bubble Bath The ultimate in pampering 6 s bath 0 1,2 A2 AMME p:Sink Hot and cold thrown in for no charge 3 s sink 0 1,1 A1 LAVUAARI p:Rubber Duck Every bather needs one 1 s duck 0 1,1 A1 KUMIANKKA p:Loo Seat Loo Seat 4 s toilet 0 1,1 A2 PYTTYSIN p:Loo Seat Loo Seat 4 s toilet_red 0 1,1 A2 PYTTYPUN p:Loo Seat Loo Seat 4 s toilet_yell 0 1,1 A2 PYTTYKELT p:Floor Tiles In a choice of colours 3 s tile 0 4,4 A2 KAAKELISIN p:Floor Tiles In a choice of colours 3 s tile_red 0 4,4 A2 KAAKELIPUN p:Floor Tiles In a choice of colours 3 s tile_yell 0 4,4 A2 KAAKELIKELT