Command - Right - Description :alert [user] [message] - fuse_alert - Alerts a user :kick [user] [message] - fuse_kick - Kicks a user from the room and alerts them :softkick [user] - fuse_kick - Kicks a user from the room :shutup [user] - fuse_mute - Mutes the targetted user :unmute [user] - fuse_mute - Unmutes the targetted user :roomalert [message] - fuse_room_alert - Alerts all users in the room :roomkick [message] - fuse_room_kick - Kicks all users in the room and alerts them :roomshutup - fuse_room_mute - Mutes all users in the room :roomunmute - fuse_room_mute - Unmutes all users in the room :ban [user] [hours] [message] - fuse_ban - Bans the user for the specified number of hours :superban [user] [hours] [message] - fuse_ban - Bans the user for the specified number of hours, also bans machine and IP :servcast [message] - fuse_admin_servcast - Alerts all users connected to the server :whereis [user] - fuse_whereis - Tells you where on the game a player is :who - fuse_who - Displays a list of users currently online