Nillus Retro Commander


Well it should work for all retro's, except running:
- DebboProject V4 beta's (cba'd implementing RC4 encryption)
- SSO retros

For me it works fine, just add hostname and port, hit connect, use the mass register function, sign them in, save them to a list if you want, send them to a room and have fun. =p
If it doesn't work for you, too bad.
Be sure to have the HabboEncoding.dll in the same folder as the .exe.

It's fun app, you can create bot armies like you can do with Axed (be aware that retro's can hold alot less bots) and you can flood, walk around, start dancing with whole group, waving, getting drinks, sending CFH's, mass look/mission/sex update, raid mode (total madness, they run around to random positions, shout inhumilatingthinging messages, get random drinks, bomb the CFH and more of that random stuff, all done on random, and you can just start/stop it.
Oh yeh and you can also send them to specified coords, be sure to click the button a few times, since when one bot starts walking to it, it blocks the path for other bots = they get stuck. (no Astar on retros)
Last thing, when you are kicked from a room and you have 're-enter kicked room' in the account tab enabled, they re-enter the room + same thing for being disconnected and it wasn't wrong user details, they reconnect.


But that's not the way you are supposed to work with it. =P
Ofcourse you can't be logged in on an account twice.
Read on:

1) Go to the target Hotel and create an account you would normally do to, blablabla, register, done.
Log in, and search for people to annoy

2) Now start up the program, split hostname + port from loader or enter them manually, then hit connect. If everything is okay you'll be token to the 'core form'. Then, in the menu on the left bottom, go to Reg, let it create 20 accounts or w/e, remember the password for them.
Like if you left it on default, RCBOT-#, and count on 5, it would send register packets for the folllowing users:

Now log them in by adding the username + password to the boxes, hitting 'Add account'.
First it should display 'Connected', then it tries to log in, and if logging in has succeeded (pass correct, account exists, no SSO retro etc) then it's state will become 'Logged in'.
Then your army recruit is ready.
Repeat to your wishes, save the list for later so you can mass log them in in one time etc.

3) Now, if you account in the browser doesn't has admin rights and you cba sending fuse right for flat ID's to yourself, get WPE, target it on the browser, put a checkmark in 'Filter 1', and hit play.
Now enter room again, when you're inside hit the Stop button in WPE.
The packetlogs will appear now, scroll through them till you find packets that start with @U, @y or w/e.
After the @U or @y header there will be a number, remember that, write it on a piece of paper and msg your mom it, or w/e your heart desires.

4) Now you are in the target room with your account in the browser. Time to call in the army.
Get back to the window of Retro Commander, hit the select All button if you want to select all bots, enter the room ID in the box somewhere on that panel and click 'Go to room'.
The accounts will now enter the room, be aware that (depending on the retro's laggg) it could take a few seconds till they appear in the room.
Accounts that have successfully entered the room will get the inRoomID = ROOMIDYOUWANTEDTOENTER.

5) All accounts inside? Time to rumble. You can make them dance/wave/get drink/ send them to specific X and Y. If you want to make them 'prepare for war', like you can see in the video, just enter X: 99 and Y: 99 or higher in the room, so they will all start walking to that farfetched port, when they reach a blocking thing (wall, item) and they can't walk across it, the account stops. By repeating the 'click Go to coords button' action they will try to walk to a point, and finally (cuz they can't walk further) they will stand like lined up.

6) Let them all dance and shout your messages or w/e, keep sending them to X and Y's, flood like mad, or hit the 'Start roomraids' button. That will make them start walking to random positions, they will come everywhere in the room, they will flood, wave, dance, etc, in general: annoy the room.
When they are flooding and you get a big group then it's impossible to read other people's messages (like you see in the video) xD.
They will random select X and Y's from the room, start walking to it, send CFH blablabla.

Just see the effect in the video.

- Nillus