Habbo Hotel V7

Welcome on the official Habbo V7 homepage

Servers back on but there are some stuff resetted

Beta Features:
-500 Credits at begin
-Commands; :clear_hand(removes all stuff in hand) and :chooser
-Need moderators(Enough ATM)
-Need Pixelartist(Making badges/Furni)
-Need Habbo X's(Enough ATM)
-Free badges(Coming soon)

The server is created by; Megrim (Organ on hotel)
And hosted by; Deadman (MOD-404 on hotel)

Actually started as beta tester (im still one of the beta testers)
And now im the hoster of this great V7 hotel
you can always contact me using console to

Last Update:

-Admin Commands; :setcredits name amount  & :hobbaalert text
-Error handling roller;When error appears disable rollers and send alert to admin
-Aniti error flood
-Message error fixed
-HC Clothes
-Rollers roll on mat

Enter Habbo, Click me 

You can not enter Habbo if:
-Known by sulake
-If you have anything to do with sulake
-If you have anything to do with the copyright of the sulake DCR's/CCT's
-Or with any other files copyrighted by sulake

These are official rules if you still enter we claim that, and you will have bigger problems then we should have

Please click to show your support:
