Want Nexus Credits? Well there is many ways to get or earn them! Please Read through the big list below for details and tips on how to get Nexus Galaxy Coins! Please do not ask staff how to get coins becuse all they will do is direct you to this page.
Credit Card Subscription (Not Available)
Subscribe to Nexus for $5.00 to get 90 Thousand Credits every month and receive a bonus Super Rare Furni!
Ask A Staff Member! (Available)
Use the call for help Button or If you see a random staff member, Ask them for credits! The max they can give you per day is 10 thousand credits.
Send An E-mail! (Available)
If you would like to request some credits, Please send us an e-mail to NexusGalaxy@hotmail.com, Please make the Subject Saying (Request For more Credits) , In the E-mail please supply us with your username and how long you have been playing Nexus Hotel.
Do a Favor! (Available)
Please go to the Favors Page Located HERE, There will be a list of things that we need help with, if you can do 1 or more, please send us an e-mail at nexusgalaxy@hotmail.com explaining info on what were asking. We will reward you with a super rare and 25 thousand credits!
Give Us a call! (Not Available)
We will be opening a phone number for you to request credits at any moment you want! We do not charge for this feature but you will be charged with long distance fees, We are opening this feature to have more interaction with our users.
Win a contest or an event! (Available)
Nexus Galaxy Hotel will host contests each week! if you would like to preticipate, you will get 3 chances to win, because all Events have 1st, 2nd and 3rd place! Reward is different for each event.
Pay Pal (Not Available)
Coins givien out will determan how much you have donated, $1 = 5000 Coins, $2 = 10,000 Coins and so on. To buy, please click the button below.
Always ask permission from your parent/guardian or the bill payer before you buy Nexus Credits. If you do not do this and the payment is later canceled or declined, you will be permanently banned. If you have a payment issue, the best and quickest way to contact us is through E-mail (NexusGalaxy@hotmail.com. However, if you would like to contact us by phone please leave a message at ### ### #### and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Always Get Permission First!
Enjoy Your Credits You lucky Nexus!
Nexus Credits are the currency used in Nexus Galaxy. You can use them to buy all kinds of things, from rubber ducks and sofas, to NC membership and teleports
If you would like to get a secret Voucher, Answer our Triva Question Located HERE
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