If you Would like to rent Exclusive Pixel Items for the hotel, Please Contact Us at nexusGalaxy@hotmail.com, We will send you a list on what we are renting out for a certain amount of pixels!
You can make your character have cool efects if you purchase them in Pixel Sales, They happen every so offten, so when they do, make sure you save some pixels up!
With Pixels you can buy Super rares sometimes, Rent Items or even buy effects for your character! To do so contact us by e-mail or in the hotel, Your request will be prosessed asap!
You can earn Pixels in a variety of ways:
1. Sign into Nexus Alot!
2. Get rewarded for spending time each day in Nexus- the longer you stay the more you earn!
3. Complete Achievements, work as a Guide and give respect to other users
4. Join Nexus Club!
We will have lots of Pixel GiveAways In NexusGalaxy Hotel!
Learn how to get your pixels and enjoy!
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